Kamal Kannan, Ph.D.
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Kamal Kannan, Ph.D.

Vice-President, Product Development

Dr. Kannan is a gifted scientist with over 25 years of experience in analytical method development and formulation development. He earned his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Madras, India. He has contributed to the development of biopharmaceuticals and vaccines at small to large pharmaceutical companies which include Genentech, Cytogen, Elan Pharmaceuticals, VaxGen, Five Prime Therapeutics, Takeda California, and Dynavax Technologies. He is a seasoned analytical biochemist who has:

  • Proven his expertise in analytical, formulation, and clinical quality control of biologics as well asand vaccine development
  • Contributed to the development of six FDA approved biopharmaceuticals and five INDs
  • Strengths in protein analytical methods development, characterization, qualification, validation, and clinical quality control. His strengths also include establishing specifications, protein formulation, in-process assays, GMP/GLP compliance, and regulatory agency liaison including EMEA (European Medicine Evaluation Agency) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) inspections