Sampath Ramachandiran, Ph.D.
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Sampath Ramachandiran, Ph.D.

Director, Product Development

Dr. Ramachandiran leads the product development team at Metaclipse. He received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from Indian Institute of Science followed by postdoctoral research at the University of Texas and Emory University studying signaling, molecular toxicology, and molecular oncology. He has more than 25 years of experience in biochemistry, protein purification, and cancer biology and has published several peer reviewed research papers. He joined the Metaclipse team in 2015 to purify membrane proteins and develop membrane vesicle-based immunotherapy products. At Metaclipse Dr. Ramachandiran has:

  • Established protocols to purify several immunostimulatory molecules at greater than 95% purity
  • Developed a scale-up process for the production of cGMP-compliant immunostimulatory molecules for clinical trials