Kristen Jacobsen, Ph.D.
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Kristen Jacobsen, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Dr. Jacobsen is a trained tumor immunologist with over ten years of experience in preclinical cancer immunotherapy development. She received her Ph.D. in Immunology at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus where she studied the role of MERTK inhibition as an immunotherapy in mouse models of breast cancer and leukemia through alterations in the PD-1 axis in the laboratory of Dr. Douglas K. Graham. During her time with Dr. Graham’s group at the University of Colorado and Emory University she also contributed to the development of a novel MERK inhibitor (Meryx Inc.), resulting in FDA approval for Phase I clinical trials. Dr. Jacobsen joined Metaclipse in November 2018 where she:

  • Develops assays to assess the functionality of the membrane vesicle-based immunotherapy products
  • Leads the development of the HER2-membrane vaccine product
  • Provides scientific technical support to cross-functional Cell Culture and Purification projects