Shaker J.C. Reddy, M.S.
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Shaker J.C. Reddy, M.S.


Mr. Reddy is an entrepreneur who provides leadership through business, infrastructure, and partnership-development, as well as providing fundraising strategies to companies he has been and continues to be involved with. In his 25-plus year career in executive business management, Mr. Reddy has:

  • Successfully operated and sold an analytical/chemical service company, Accura Analytical; an IT company, Buildspan; an engineering company, Ascend Engineering; and a drug delivery, company AccuRx
  • Co-founded two non-profit organizationsāˆ’ the Georgia Indo American Chamber of Commerce and the American Telugu Association
  • Been an Active Charter Member of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE)
  • Founded and led Metaclipse Therapeutics from the early stages of drug development through initiating Phase I Clinical Trials